Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 310-935-0032

  • Psychiatric Medication Management (Children & Adolescents)


    Our psychiatrists are board certified to provide psychiatric medication services to children and adolescents ages 0-18.
    A comprehensive integrative treatment plan is completed to assess all areas impacting the child’s life including psychological, emotional, social, and medical factors.

    We aim to minimize the use of medication where indicated. Attempting the lowest possible effective doses and try to minimize the number of medications if appropriate. We believe that the most effective treatment when receiving psychotropic medication is when concurrent with psychotherapy.

    We view our psychiatry session as therapy sessions- taking into account the length of time offering an hour to patients for psychiatry where indicated and building a therapeutic relationship beyond the medication prescription.

    Treatment can be provided if your child is suffering from:
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Bipolar disorder
    • ADHD
    • Behavioral difficulties
    • A developmental disorder
    • Experiencing psychotic symptoms
    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    • Other general mental health concerns
    Our psychiatrists follow evidence-based approaches and utilize up to date resources.